Our buses will ensure that your school excursion, camp or sports transfer is punctual, friendly and safe.
Students and teachers alike will enjoy our range of comfortable and seat-belted buses.
We have 11-seater, 24-seater, 40-seater, 50-seater, 53-seater, 57-seater and 81-seater seat-belted buses.
Whether it is a short trip to Southbank or a long drive to Beaudesert, our range of buses will ensure that your excursion is well catered for. Our bus drivers are instructed to provide adequate rest stops and to be at their friendliest!
Our large coaches and mini-buses will ensure that your school camp runs smoothly. Buses are equipped with TVs for those long drives as well as luggage bins to store all the camping gear.
Sisils Bus Lines is your best choice for school sports! We regularly do weekly sports runs for schools who have worked with us for years. It is very important that your students get to their sports games or training sessions with a trusted transport provider!
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